Friday, July 13, 2007

One month away

Oh hey guys. I created a blog for the Peace Corps. It doesn't happen for a month, but I figure I'd better start documenting things now, since I'm pretty sure that tomorrow I'm going to have a nervous breakdown about things I still need to buy, things I'd still like to buy, the remainder of my bills, cleaning my apartment and packing. I have half the money saved up that I'd like to, and I'll reach my goal if the remainder of my time at Uno's isn't characterized by serving cheap, angry people.

In wrapping up this inaugural post, the purpose of which is nothing more than to test and make sure everything's working, I request that, if any of you are cleaning out your closet and trying to get rid of TShirts, to send them my way instead of throwing them out.

Also, I hear it is customary to gift my host family upon arrival to Panama. If anyone has any ideas as to what to bring to said family that is not a perishable and not outside the realm of my budget, let me know. The Peace Corps cites good gifts as postcards, local foods (like, maple syrup if I were from Vermont...not perishable...or Cajeta if I were from Guanajuato, etc), little cheap toys for kids, trinkets characteristic of my hometown/region, etc. I'm bad enough at buying for my little brother.


evilsarah said...

I'm copying you. Also I plan on stalking you. The internet kind, not that creepy peeking into your windows kind.

I don't know if this will link you to/show you my blog, but I have one case that copying part didn't tip you off.

Annie said...

why aren't you just using your old livejournal?