This is the sitting area/porch/living room where I stayed at my site.
This parrot would not shut up, at even the most asinine of hours.
Two of the cutest kids ever, Luci and Jahir, the latter of whom's name I just slaughtered.
So I just got back from spending a week where I'll be living for the next two years and I am not kidding when I tell all of you that I won the site lottery. It's true that I don't have electricity (which is no surprise), and the water is hardcore unpotable (or is it impotable?), and all of the pit latrines fill with water every time it rains and are inhabited with enough cockroaches to force me to get over my ridiculous fear, but none of that matters.
I spent this week with the an amazing community of about three hundred Latinos, plus a community of about one hundred Kunas, who are famous for these beautiful molas they create (google image it, I don't have a picture), plus a couple families of Emberá, PLUS a family of Ngöbes. My community is like a little United Nations, where the UN consistent of solely cultures from Panamá, and what was pleasantly surprising is that all four got along fairly harmoniously.
We spent the week doing what they do every day, and I'm not going to lie, the pace of life is mindnumbingly slow, but I suppose I will be getting rid of my Type A personality over the next couple of years. I visited with almost every family in that town, met the family with whom I will be living for the first month (as I've elected to switch families once a month until I can live on my own), and fielded some pretty interesting questions about the United States [i.e. "Poverty doesn't exist in the United States, right?", "How much is it to fly from the US to Panamá, like one hundred dollars?", "The distance from New York to Chicago is like from here to the City, right?" (or in other words, a 2 1/2 hour drive)]. Additionally, an effort has already initiated to find me a boyfriend ("do you want a white one, like yourself, or someone a little darker?"), despite my protests over and over.
We also had a meeting to discuss what they wanted to work on over the next two years, during which I was shocked and amazed, as they approached me about the construction of composting latrines because they knew that they reduced disease, could be used for fertilizer, etc, and about doing something about the filtration of the water from the aqueduct. I am not kidding, I about fell out of my chair.
Some other awesome things about the site are: electricity is coming, as election year is 2009 and the politicos are trying to win votes with public service. Also, I have to build my house, which is hilarious because I am the farthest thing from an architect ever, but it will be cheaper in the long run and I will be able to have a penca roof and a concrete floor and hammocks. AND I'm getting a dog. I don't even care. But now I have to end this, as here I sit in Albrook mall, once again, and I'm going to go buy some ridiculous thing to wear for Halloween.
You need to send me a mola!! As an anthropology major, I need one to help complete my collection of famous world art pieces ;)
And I had a lot of those questions when I was in Tanz. It's hard to explain how you're a starving college student in America, even though you're incredibly wealthy to rural Tanzanian standards.
those kids are cute.
I love the fact that the boyfriend search is on. Did I not predict this was going to happen!? and I can ONLY imagine what is going to take place!! hahaha!!! :) Sounds like everything is moving along nicely and the people are helpful...I love you tons. Hopefully I will be able to talk to you soon. Later babe.
I am hanging out with your mom and Grandma and Grandpa. We talked all about your adventures and looked through some of your posts. I am jealous and proud of you. Post some more pictures when you make it to the market. I want to see those shitters.
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